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How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version? I have been developing for three years, and my abilities are far better than three years ago, so if I use my current work ability to measure the workload of the entire game, I only need one year, so the game still has about 2 /3 not finished.(google translate)” “If my development situation by myself does not change, it will take about two years to reach my expected completion, but no one can tell, maybe the progress will be slowed down, maybe I want to add new content. My expectations for this game, I hope to attract other people who are interested in this game and have the ability to help me to develop this game with me through early access, you can contact me through the mailbox at the bottom of the store page, I may not be able to reply in time, I often forget to check emails regularly, but if I log in to my email, I will definitely reply to you.(google translate)”Īpproximately how long will this game be in Early Access? However, I am currently developing by myself, so the productivity is limited and the product quality is also very limited, so I cannot achieve the current level of productivity.

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“I think the officially released product should be as perfect as possible in all aspects and meet the developer's expectations.

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